1. Website Owner
This website is owned by NSN (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.).
2/ Purpose of the website
(SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) provides information and data (hereinafter, “contents and/or services”) to general users (hereinafter, “users”) who access 、https://realbarcaleyendas.com.mx/ (hereinafter, “website”) through a website for the purpose of providing information. The content of this website is provided and created by our company.
Due to the nature of the website, these Terms may be amended or modified from time to time, therefore, you are obliged to access these Terms each time you access the website, being subject to the corresponding terms and conditions in force at the time of your access.
3. Access to the website
Access to this website does not require prior registration by the user, however, in order to view certain website content or to receive our newsletter, you will need to register via the appropriate process.
In any case, the data provided by the User during the registration process must be accurate, up-to-date and truthful.
4/ Proper use of the service
You shall use the Service in a diligent, accurate and lawful manner, and in particular shall not:
The user shall be liable for any damage of whatever nature that (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) may suffer as a result of a breach of the aforementioned obligations, any other obligations contained in these general conditions and/or any obligations imposed by law in connection with the use of the website.
Minors must use the website with the consent of their father, mother or legal guardian, and their guardian shall be responsible for any issues that may arise in relation to purchasing and using the website’s services.
(SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) guarantees at all times respect for the current legal system and may, at its sole discretion, suspend the service and/or exclude the user from the website in case of suspected criminal or infringing acts stipulated in the current criminal code or in case of actions that (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) considers to be contrary to these general conditions or in case of actions that may disrupt the proper functioning, image, credibility and/or prestige of (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.).
5/ Rules of Conduct
You can contact us and interact with certain sections of the website through our blog or by sharing the sections on social networks, provided that you respect the following rules of conduct:
6. Property Rights
All content of the website, including but not limited to texts, opinion articles, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, graphic designs, source codes and software, is the exclusive property of (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) or third parties lawfully held by (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) and is protected by national and international laws.
Any commercial use of all elements subject to commercial and intellectual property rights as well as their distribution, modification, adaptation or decompilation is strictly prohibited.
7/ Disclaimer of warranties and liability
(SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) reserves the right to suspend access to the Service at any time without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control, maintenance, power outages, or other justifiable reasons.
Therefore, (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the website or services, and users shall use them at their own risk, with (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) not being liable in this regard at any time.
Similarly, SPORTS&LIFE Corporation shall not be liable for any damages arising from:
Likewise, SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd. excludes any liability for damages of any kind resulting from the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the content that may cause alterations to computer systems and stored documents and systems, and SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd. shall not be held liable in any case in which they arise:
We do not guarantee that the services of the website will always work, due to abnormalities that may occur due to unforeseeable unforeseen circumstances beyond the goodwill of:
In any case, (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) undertakes to provide the User with all the necessary support to resolve any problems that may arise and to reach a prompt and satisfactory resolution of the problem.
8. Links to other websites
(SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) does not guarantee or assume any responsibility of any kind for the connection of the linked sites, the links, the damages incurred by accessing third-party services/contents through the links, or their accuracy or reliability.
The function of the links displayed on this (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) is solely to inform the user of the existence of other sources on the Internet that can expand the services offered by the portal. (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) shall not be held responsible in any case for the results obtained through these links or the consequences that may arise from the user’s accessing them.
Since these third-party services are provided by third parties, LIVE EXPERIENCE ETAL, SL has no control over the legality or quality of the services.
Users must therefore exercise great caution when evaluating and using the information and services contained in the third-party content.
The installation of commercial hyperlinks enabling access to this website on web pages not belonging to (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) is expressly prohibited without the express consent of (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.).
In no case does the presence of a hyperlink to a website not belonging to our company imply the existence of a commercial or business relationship with the owner of the web page on which the hyperlink is located, or the consent of (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.).
If you receive advertising via email, you can also object through the email by clicking on the link contained in the email and following the instructions provided.
9/ Data processing and use of cookies
In accordance with the provisions of Spanish Organic Law No. 3/2018, of 5 December 2018, “On the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights” and “General Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Personal Data”, we inform you that the personal data you provide to us through our website or by sending an e-mail will be incorporated into a file and processed by SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd. for the purposes described in the privacy policy.
(SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) is committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and, to that end, adopts the necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, always taking into account the state of technology.
In the form in which personal data are collected, each user will be informed of the purpose of their collection. The user will, in any case, be responsible for the veracity of the data provided.
Meanwhile, (SPORTS&LIFE Co., Ltd.) informs you that visiting this website does not automatically register any personal information that identifies the user. Cookies are used to obtain statistical information about the use of the website and to help improve it. All users must refer to our cookie policy in order to browse the website.
In any case, all users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, opposition and data portability at any time by writing to SPORTS&LIFE CORPORATION (email address: JORDIJOAN@WEARENSN.COM) and, if necessary, to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
10/ Applicable law and jurisdiction
In the event of a dispute, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain) and waive any other jurisdiction.